How to Keep Voles Out of Your Yard

How to Keep Voles Out of Your Yard

With short furry tails, beady eyes and small bodies, voles may look cute and adorable, but not when they wreak havoc in your yard! These small and stocky mouse-like rodents are known to drive gardeners and homeowners absolutely crazy with the amount of damage they can...
Mosquitos: All You Need To Know

Mosquitos: All You Need To Know

Like a creature of the night, mosquitos are buzzing in the dusky evening, searching for fresh victims. With them, they carry dangerous and deadly diseases. When they’ve come across your path, they leave their fateful, itchy kiss as a reminder of their presence.  Maine...
Bees and Stinging Insects Causing You Pain?

Bees and Stinging Insects Causing You Pain?

If you’ve ever gotten stung by a bee, you know how painful it can be. Considering how tiny a bee really is, the amount of pain it can inflect is incredible. The worst part is that the pain lasts for a few days. However, most people will fully heal from a bee sting...