Pros and Cons of Organic Pest Control Solutions

Pros and Cons of Organic Pest Control Solutions

You may have heard that organic pest control services are the next best thing to opt for when controlling the pests in your garden. However, how true is this claim? The truth is that non-organic products are not as bad as their reputation claims. In fact, they might...
Winter Prep: Sealing Your Home to Keep Pests Out

Winter Prep: Sealing Your Home to Keep Pests Out

As we transition into the winter season, most of us have only Christmas on our minds. You might be preparing your home to welcome friends and family members in the upcoming holidays. But don’t forget that some nasty creatures are probably looking for an entry into...
8 Ways to Protect Your Pets from Ticks

8 Ways to Protect Your Pets from Ticks

If you have pets, it is essential to keep your fur babies tick-free. These blood-sucking, tiny creatures are well-known for transmitting dangerous diseases, including Lyme disease. Often plants that are a few feet off the ground contain ticks. These insects are known...