Pest Control Blog
It is part of our mission as a pest control company to keep our community safe when it comes to home pest invasion. One way we stand by this mission is publishing blogs that help to educate the home owners in our community.
Winter-Time Raccoon Problems
Regardless of how cute raccoons look, they aren’t exactly desired houseguests at any time during the year. They are notorious for property destruction, scavenging through trash, and spreading dangerous diseases, such as rabies. Moreover, they can live on just about...
Should You Be Wary of Daddy Longlegs Spiders?
As someone who is perpetually wary of spiders, I happen to know a lot about them. How else is one supposed to prepare for their mortification if not by diving further into the subject that terrifies them! With that said, there is one spider I have never been wary of,...
Think You Have Carpenter Ants? Sign to Watch For
As a homeowner, the last thing you want is to see your beautiful home and belongings get destroyed and eaten out by pests. However, if you live in Maine, you might have to come across carpenter ants in your home as they are the most common pests in the city. That’s...
How to Keep Your Home Pest-Free All Winter Long
Winter holidays are always the busiest time of the year, with countless family get-togethers, parties, trips, attending to children on winter break, and so much more. In such a busy season, the last thing you want on your plate is to deal with a pest infestation in...
The Best Ant Control Products
Ants are everywhere you go on this planet, except for Antarctica, and it’s a fact of life. Even though they are diminutive in stature, these insects are innumerable and known to be the ultimate survivors. However, it does not mean that you have to share your home with...
What to Do When You Find Mouse Droppings in Your Home?
Every homeowner has had to deal with pest infestations at some point in their lives. Mice are easily one of the most common pests faced by homeowners. We all dread seeing the familiar small droppings of mice lying around on the floor. Even though these pests might...
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